Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics
Center of Nanoelectronics and Novel Materials & Laboratory of Nanophotonics
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Results 1 - 20 of about 271 publications

N Title Journal or book Year
1 D. B. Migas, V. E. Borisenko.
Effects of oxygen, fluorine, and hydroxyl passivation on electronic properties of <001>-oriented silicon nanowires
J. Appl. Phys 104(2), 024314 2008
2 V. E. Borisenko, V. L. Shaposhnikov, A. V. Krivosheeva, F. Arnaud d, J. L. Lazzari.
Structural, electronic and optical properties of II
Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 245(1), 142–148 2008
3 V. E. Borisenko, A. L. Danilyuk, A. S. Panfilenok.
Oscillations of tunnel magnetoresistance in ferromagnet-insulator-ferromagnet structures
Technical Physics 53(4) 479-484 2008
4 V. E. Borisenko, A. L. Danilyuk, A. V. Korolev, A.M. Giro.
Spatial magnetic field distribution of micrometer size thin-film magnetic head
Doklady BSUIR ¹ 1(17), pp. 140-144 in Russian 2007
5 V. E. Borisenko, A. A. Leshok, S. K. Lazarouk, V. A. Labunov, D. A. Sasinovich, P. S. Katsuba.
Electroluminescence from nanostructured silicon embedded in anodic alumina
Semiconductors 41(9), 1109-112 2007
6 V. E. Borisenko, S. K. Lazarouk, V. A. Labunov, A.V. Dolbik.
Combustion and explosion of nanostructured silicon in microsystem devices
Semiconductors 41(9), 1113–1116 2007
7 V. E. Borisenko, A. B. Filonov, V. L. Shaposhnikov, N. N. Dorozhkin, D. B. Migas.
New semiconducting silicide Ca3Si4
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 19, 346207 2007
8 V. E. Borisenko, D. B. Migas.
Structural, electronic, and optical properties of <001>-oriented SiGe nanowires
Phys. Rev. B 76(3), 035440 (9 pages) 2007
9 V. E. Borisenko, V. L. Shaposhnikov, D. B. Migas.
Isostructural BaSi2, BaGe2 and SrGe2: electronic and optical properties
Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 244(7), 2611-2618 2007
10 V. E. Borisenko, V. L. Shaposhnikov, N. N. Dorozhkin, D. B. Migas, V. N. Rodin.
Electronic and optical properties of Ir3Si5
Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 244(9), 3178-3182 2007
11 V. E. Borisenko, D. B. Migas.
Tailoring the character of the band-gap in <011>-, <111>- and <112>-oriented silicon nanowires
Nanotechnology 18(37), 375703 2007
12 N. V. Gaponenko, A. V. Mudryi, A. P. Stupak, S.M. Kleshcheva, M.I. Samoilovich, G.K. Malyarevich, O.B. Gusev, M.V. Stepikhova.
Luminescence in the 1.54
J. Appl. Spectroscopy 74, N.5, 687–691 2007
13 N. V. Gaponenko.
Luminescence of lanthanides from xerogels embedded in mesoporous matrices
Acta Physica Polonica 112, 737 – 749 2007
14 A. L. Danilyuk, A. V. Krivosheeva, A. V. Korolev.
Chaotic signals generator based on nanostructure with chromium disilicide quantum dots
Materials of scientific and technical conference "Technical facilities of information security" IV scientific and technical conference (Minsk-Naroch, Belarus) 29 May-2 June, p.67, in Russian. 2006
15 V. E. Borisenko, A. L. Danilyuk, A. V. Korolev.
Nanometrology of spin polarization of fluorine nuclei in optically excited Si/CaF2 nanostructure
Elektronika (XLVII), no 5, pp. 42 2006
16 V. E. Borisenko, J. A. Berashevich, N.V. Grib.
Equivalent electrical network of the DNA molecule
Russian Microelectronics , V 35, No. 6, P. 313-320 2006
17 V. E. Borisenko, J. A. Berashevich, N.V. Grib.
Dynamics of charge carrier transfer in DNA molecule
Biophysics , in press 2006
18 V. E. Borisenko, J. A. Berashevich, N.V. Grib.
Role of structural reorganization in charge carrier transfer in the DNA molecule
Biophysics , in press 2006
19 A. L. Danilyuk, A. V. Krivosheeva, A. V. Korolev, A.V. Andreyenka, N.T. Kvasov.
Element of memory based on quantum dots of chrome disilicide
Proceedings of Conference 25-29 September, Naroch, p.73, in Russian 2006
20 V. E. Borisenko, A. L. Danilyuk, A. V. Krivosheeva, A. V. Korolev, A.V. Andreyenka.
Multichip Quantum Computing Cluster
Doklady BSUIR ¹ 5, p. 57, (Proceedings of Conference « New manufacturing methods of multichip packages») in Russian 2006
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