Results 61 - 80 of about 271 publications
N |
Title |
Journal or book |
Year |
61 |
V. E. Borisenko, S. V. Gaponenko, V.S. Gurin. Physics, Chemistry and Application of Nanostructures |
Book World Scientific, Singapore |
2003 |
62 |
V. E. Borisenko, A. A. Leshok, S. K. Lazarouk, P. Jaguiro. Reverse biased porous silicon light emitting diodes for optical intra chip interconnects |
Physica E 16, 495-498 |
2003 |
63 |
V. E. Borisenko, V. L. Shaposhnikov, D. B. Migas, L. Miglio. Comparative study of structural, electronic and optical properties of Ca2Si, Ca2Ge, Ca2Sn, and Ca2Pb |
Phys. Rev. B 67(20), 205203 (7 pages) |
2003 |
64 |
V. E. Borisenko. Carrier transport and light emission in silicon quantum well structures |
Frontiers in Molecular Scale Technology of Nanocarbon, Nanosiliconand Biopolymer Integrated Nanosystems p.47 |
2003 |
65 |
V. E. Borisenko, A. L. Danilyuk, J. A. Berashevich, A. N. Kholod. Carrier transport and related phenomena in nanosize periodic silicon/insulator structures |
Materials Science and Engineering B101(1), 111-118 |
2003 |
66 |
V. E. Borisenko, A. L. Danilyuk, J. A. Berashevich. Digital devices based on tunnel resonant transport of charge carriers in periodic Si/CaF2 nanostructures |
Materials Science and Engineering B101(1), 300-304 |
2003 |
67 |
V. E. Borisenko, V. L. Shaposhnikov, A. V. Krivosheeva. Electronic structure of stressed CrSi2 |
Materials Science and Engineering B101(1), 309-312 |
2003 |
68 |
V. E. Borisenko, A. B. Filonov, L. I. Ivanenko, V. L. Shaposhnikov, G. Behr, J. Schumann, H. Vinzelberg, D. Souptel, A. Plotnikov. Transport properties of Mn-doped Ru2Si3 |
Microelectronic Engineering 70(2-4), 209-214 |
2003 |
69 |
V. E. Borisenko, A. B. Filonov, V. L. Shaposhnikov, A. E. Krivosheev, A. V. Krivosheeva. Effect of lattice deformation on semiconducting properties of CrSi2 |
Semiconductors 37, No. 4, pp. 384–389 |
2003 |
70 |
A. V. Krivosheeva, A. A. Stekolnikov, F. Bechstedt, J. Furthmüller. Vibrational properties of the quasi-one-dimensional In/Si(111)-(4x1) system |
Phys. Rev. B 68, 193406 (1-4) |
2003 |
71 |
A. V. Krivosheeva. (4 |
Proceedings of the Belorussian Engineering Academy ¹1(15)/4, pp.39-40 - in Russian |
2003 |
72 |
V. E. Borisenko, A. L. Danilyuk, J. A. Berashevich, A. V. Korolev. Memory Element Based on Si/CaF2 Periodic Nanostructures |
Technical Physics Vol. 48 No. 1, pp. 63-67 |
2003 |
73 |
V. E. Borisenko, S. Paschen, D. Souptel, H. Vinzelberg, J. Schumann, G. Behr, A. E. Krivosheev, L. I. Ivanenko, A. B. Filonov, A. Bentien. Thermoelectric properties of Mn-doped Ru2Si3 |
Proceedings of International Conference on Thermoelectrics pp.157-160 |
2003 |
74 |
L. I. Ivanenko, V. L. Shaposhnikov, E. A. Krushevski. Lattice matching between bulk Ru2Si3 and nanocrystalline RuSi2 |
Physics, Chemistry and Application of Nanostructures pp. 306 – 309 |
2003 |
75 |
Compressive plasma flows interaction with steel surface: structure and mechanical properties of modified layer |
Vacuum Vol.70, No.2-3. - P.269-274 |
2003 |
76 |
The effect of Ti ions implantation of the structure of anodic alumina films |
Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. B ol. 211, No. 2. - P.219-226 |
2003 |
77 |
V. E. Borisenko, J. A. Berashevich, N.V. Grib. Possibilities of application of DNA molecule as a switching element |
Doklady BSUIR , 1(2), P. 20-28, (in Russian) |
2003 |
78 |
V. E. Borisenko, J. A. Berashevich, N.V. Grib. Switching elements on the basis of DNA molecule |
Proceedings of the Belorussian Engineering Academy , 1(15)/4, P. 98-100, (in Russian) |
2003 |
79 |
N. V. Gaponenko, I. S. Molchan, A. V. Mudryi, S. V. Gaponenko, J. Misiewicz, R. Kudrawiec. Luminescence of the Eu and Tb ions from the structure microporous xerogel/mesoporous anodic alumina |
J. Appl. Spectroscopy V. 70, ¹ 1. – P. 57–61 |
2003 |
80 |
N. V. Gaponenko, I. S. Molchan, G. E. Thompson, V. Lambertini, P. Repetto. |
J. SID Vol. 11, N 1. – P. 27–32 |
2003 |