Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics
Center of Nanoelectronics and Novel Materials & Laboratory of Nanophotonics
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Results 121 - 140 of about 271 publications

N Title Journal or book Year
121 V. E. Borisenko, L. I. Ivanenko, V. L. Shaposhnikov, D. B. Migas, D. Lenssen, R. Crius, S. Mantl.
Optical properties of semiconducting Ru2Si3
Optical Material 17(1), 339-341 2001
122 V. E. Borisenko, A. L. Danilyuk, J. A. Berashevich, A. N. Kholod, F. Arnaud d.
Charge effects and related transport phenomena in nanosize silicon/insulator structures
Microelectronics, Microsystems and Nanotechnology pp. 33 – 36 2001
123 V. E. Borisenko, S. K. Lazarouk, P. Jaguiro.
Avalanche porous silicon light emitting diodes for optical intra chip interconnects
Microelectronics, Microsystems and Nanotechnology pp. 41 – 44 2001
124 V. L. Shaposhnikov, A. E. Krivosheev, A. V. Krivosheeva.
Changes in band structure of chromium disilicide under influence of isotropic and uniaxial deformations of its lattice
Proceedings of the Belorussian Engineering Academy ¹1(11)/3, pp.55-57 - in Russian 2001
125 L. I. Ivanenko, A. Heinrich, G. Behr, H. Vinzelberg.
Single crystal growth of non-stoichiometric ß-FeSi2 by chemical transport reaction
Thin Solid films 381 (2001) Nr. 2, p. 276-281 2001
126 L. I. Ivanenko, A. Heinrich, G. Behr, H. Griessmann, J. Schumann, H. Vinzelberg.
Thermoelectric properties of ß-FeSi2 single crystals and polycrystalline ß-FeSi2+x thin films
Thin Solid films 38 Nr. 2, p. 287-295 2001
127 Evolution of microstructure of instrumental AISI M2 steel after plasma immersion nitrogen and carbon implantation Surface and Coatings Technology V.136, No.1-3.- P.226-230 2001
128 Cleaning and Doping of Silicon in a BF3 Plasma during Fabrication of Ohmic Contacts Russian Microelectronics Vol. 30, No. 4, p. 261-266 2001
129 Formation of Submicron Cylindrical Structures at Silicon Surface Exposed to a Compressional Plasma Flow JETP Letters Vol. 74, No. 4, P. 213–215 2001
130 Plasma immersion N and N+C implantation into high-speed tool steel: surface morphology, phase composition and mechanical properties Surface and Coatings Technology Vol. 142-144, P. 406-411 2001
131 Charge effects controlling hysteresis of current and negative differential resistance in periodical nanosize Si/CaF2 structures Semiconductors V.36, No. 1. - P. 85-90 2001
132 A. V. Korolev, I.I. Abramov.
Device Structures Based on Resonant Tunneling diodes: A Theoretical Consideration
Technical Physics Vol.46, N9, p.1190-1195 2001
133 Semiconducting Silicides Electromagnetic waves and electronic systems 2000
134 V. E. Borisenko, A. B. Filonov, V. L. Shaposhnikov, D. B. Migas, A. Heinrich.
Narrow-gap semiconducting silicides: the band structure
Microelectronic Engineering 50(1-4), 249 – 255 2000
135 Thermoelectric properties of b-FeSi2 single crystals and polycrystalline b-FeSi2+x thin films No info 2000
136 Single crystals growth of non-stoichiometric b-FeSi2 by chemical transport reaction No info 2000
137 Optical properties of semiconducting Ru2Si3 No info 2000
138 N. V. Gaponenko, J. C. Pivin, B. Hamilton, J. A. Davidson, P. Skeldon, G. E. Thompson, X. Zhou.
Strongly enhanced Tb luminescence from titania xerogel solids mesoscopically confined in porous anodic alumina
Appl. Phys. Lett Vol. 76, ¹ 8. – P. 1006–1008 2000
139 Visible luminescence from europium-doped alumina sol-gel- derived films confined in porous anodic alumina J. Alloys Comp Vol. 341. – P. 251–254 2000
140 V. E. Borisenko.
Semiconducting Silicides
Book Springer, Berlin 2000
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